grab my *free* Starter Kit:

3 daily habits that improve
leaky gut and autoimmunity!

I'm Nikki Yelton

I believe every woman can take back their health...

and start living their extraordinary life once they discover the root cause of their GI distress and autoimmunity. 


Gut Health and Autoimmune Warriors!

Do you dream of the day you wake up without pain or bloating,  with so much energy and vibrance that you're ready to take on the day? 

To live your life again by doing the things that light you up because you aren’t held back by your symptoms? 

I help motivated women discover the root cause of their gastrointestinal and autoimmune symptoms so that they can live their healthiest life possible with more
joy, energy, and purpose.


That’s why I set out to create functional medicine nutrition programs so that I could show you the exact steps that will help you heal your gut and reverse autoimmunity.

road to recovery

this is MY story And

 See it wasn’t too long ago when I felt held back in my life because of my constant gastrointestinal (GI) and autoimmune symptoms. My own struggle and personal health journey became the fuel to help other women who are where I was.

I remember what it was like struggling to get out of bed with no real drive or motivation. I was plagued by fatigue, pain, migraines, inflammation, weight fluctuations, bloating, horrible acne, brain fog, and hormonal imbalances—along with all the exhaustion, depression, and anxiety that went along with the physical symptoms too. 

And then besides being so physically exhausted, I was emotionally and mentally drained trying to figure everything out on my own. I was constantly overwhelmed spinning my wheels without any hope from conventional modern medicine specialists besides taking another pill that would mask my many misdiagnosed conditions. The only takeaway I received were the labels I was given like IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimotos, and Celiac disease that I could hide behind. The same labels I would use at my defense when I needed an escape out of attending a family function, road trip with friends, or a dinner out with colleagues—all of the things I craved to do that would have brought me joy had I participated.

The worst part, I was even told this was all in my head and that diet or lifestyle wouldn’t make any difference. 

But they were so wrong...

My body needed to heal from the inside out! 

That still small voice inside was telling me there had to be something more.

That I didn’t have to settle with how I was feeling. I wasn’t ready to surrender and claim that as my story. 

And then I discovered integrative and functional medicine. Through my own research and pursuit to understand how the human body works—functional medicine offered the only real thing that ever made sense to me. 

If you want to balance your body, feel your best, and reverse autoimmunity, you have to heal your gut. And once I did that without cutting any corners, everything changed. My symptoms vanished, my autoimmunity reversed (yes, I am living proof this is possible), and I was finally living my life for the first time. Like, Really living!

So by God’s Grace and with many years of professional education and functional medicine training, my health and life turned around and I had my “aha moment"….

I knew in that moment I went through what I did for a very specific reason, and that I was called to help other women along their health journey to heal their gut and reverse autoimmunity. 



“All Disease Begins in The Gut.” - Hippocrates.

For over a decade now, I’ve helped women with the exact system to heal their gut too and have seen lives completely transform in the same way that I experienced for myself. Hundreds of happy clients have been able to resolve their gastrointestinal symptoms, reverse autoimmunity, and most importantly live out their dreams and purpose because they got their health and life back.

Throughout my career working in many different functional medicine practices, I have been honored to help amazing women transform their lives through diet, nutrition, and lifestyle. They believed they were made for so much more in life and refused to settle for mediocrity. Having played a small part in their successful journey has been a privilege and fuels my own passion for gut health, nutrition, and functional medicine.

“Since working with Nikki, I am now a completely new person and feel SO empowered and confident in myself. I never thought that it was possible to heal my gut and go back to what I classified as my "normal life". I worked with so many different doctors and nutritionists, and Nikki was the only one who was able to actually help. In fact, I have more energy than ever before.” 

- Alexa C.

“I am so much happier and full of energy now. I no longer have to live my daily life in discomfort and worry about what is wrong. We relieved my acid reflux, stomach pain and excessive fatigue by addressing my health head on. Nikki is highly educated and extremely knowledgeable in this very specific field of functional medicine; specifically gut health. Your health is wealth and you'll never be happy unless you take care of you!”

- Alicia C.
- Kim F.

"I was desperate to feel better"

I knew I was going to work with Nikki from the beginning because I was desperate to feel better and I knew when I met her that she’d be the one to help me. It’s clear that she’s invested in helping others. Since I’ve started with her, I have not had one stomach ache.  I feel like I finally know what’s happening with me and what to do. Nikki really took the time to figure out what was wrong with me and made me believe we could resolve it together.

I am functional medicine trained, certified, and credentialed.

Why Nikki Yelton?

With hundreds of health coaches and practitioners out there, I'm sure you want to know what makes me different.

I get it! 


I’m an Integrative and Functional Medicine Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a unique and extensive background in the most cutting edge gut health and autoimmune disease training and experience including functional medicine testing. Read my professional bio here.

I’m invested in your success.


I have spent over a decade pursuing the most advanced training in the functional medicine industry. I’ve also invested in developing a business strategy that ensures you are set up for success with support throughout every step of your journey and that you have an exceptional experience. By working with me and my team, you will benefit from all the elite-level training and continuing education I’ve received since starting this journey. 

I listen.


The number one thing I hear from people when I meet them for the first time is that their health practitioners aren’t listening to them. They don't feel heard nor understood and are being told it's all in their head. My friend, it is NOT in your head. I care about listening to your story because it will unlock the clues that will lead to your success.

Once upon a time, I felt hopeless, overwhelmed, defeated…and sick of tired of being sick and tired.

I’ve been there and I’m living proof!

I’ve taken the road less traveled and now I am living my healthiest life with energy, joy, and purpose!

... you can live a full and extraordinary life!

I want the best for you because you’re worth it, and I know I can help you get the real results you are longing for. 

If you're here reading this now, I want you to know there’s hope for you. 

Hope that you can take back your health. 
And hope that ...


it's been a journey for me.

Nikki set out to be an elementary education teacher, until all her years of stomach pain, fatigue, and inflammation led to her diagnosis of Celiac Disease which changed the trajectory of her life forever.


The start of the nutrition journey! In hopes to figure things out on her own to feel better, she knew she had to start at the beginning, change majors, and study to become a nutritionist so she can find health and healing for herself, and then help others do the same. Nikki went on to study nutrition and get her bachelors in nutrition and dietetics. 


While in school, Nikki’s health wasn’t improving as she hoped it would. At this point—she found out she had 2 other autoimmune conditions that paired with her Celiac (which is common when you aren’t addressing the big picture). When conventional medicine was failing her, she discovered functional medicine! This is where everything changed and her health turned around.


Nikki went on to study complementary and alternative medicine at a graduate level and completed her year long Dietetic internship where she had the unique opportunity to study and learn under the top functional medicine practitioners who became her mentors. She became a Board Certified Natural Health Practitioner and Registered Dietitian.


Nikki knew she wanted to take a different path after getting her RD. She stepped into her first role as the Integrative Registered Dietitian in an Integrative medicine outpatient clinic and became the Celiac Disease Program Coordinator at the Celiac Disease Center throughout the state of NJ. This is also when she met her future husband, who at the time was not totally on board with healthy eating in the beginning. 


Nikki was given the incredible opportunity to be a founding Dietitian at a brand new Integrative and Functional Medicine Clinic in NJ and help build the nutrition programs from the ground up. She got to work with some of the top Functional Medicine Practitioners in NJ! She also got married to her husband, who eventually warmed up to optimizing his diet and nutrition and now is her favorite success story and advocate!


She left her job to start her private practice with another practitioner while studying at the Institute for Functional Medicine and Integrative Nutrition and Functional Medicine Academy. She launched the first personalized functional medicine programs. 


Nikki realized she wanted to reach more women than in just her tiny (but mighty state) and started living out her dream of helping women virtually all over the country through personalized functional medicine nutrition. Nikki started building an amazing team and developing courses, programs, and more resources to help others improve their gut health and reverse autoimmunity! 


Nikki Yelton is an Integrative & Functional Medicine Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. She has an undergraduate degree in Clinical Nutrition Science from East Carolina University where she conducted several undergraduate research studies on physician awareness of Celiac disease and policies and procedures of a gluten free diet.

Nikki completed her Dietetic Internship in Dietetics at Lenoir Rhyne University which focused on distance clinical rotations specific to integrative and functional medicine at Beth Israel’s Continuum Center for Health & Healing in Manhattan, NY.
She continued her graduate education at Rutgers University (formerly the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey) studying Complementary & Alternative Medicine.

Nikki has advanced her education and training through the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) Practitioner Certificate Program and the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy (IFNA).


Nikki is a brand ambassador, researcher, speaker, writer, course creator, and practitioner. She is a Certified Natural Health Professional in the state of NJ and is a member of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics in NJ. She is also an active member and participator in Nutrition Entrepreneurs, Dietitians for Integrative & Functional Medicine, and Food & Culinary Professionals Dietetic Practice Groups. She holds several certifications related to these practice groups such as the Entrepreneurship Certificate Program, Integrative & Functional Nutrition Certificate Training Program, Childhood & Adolescent Weight Management Certificate training program, certificate of completion at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium in NY for 3 consecutive years and participated at the Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives initiative and conference in Napa Valley, CA at the Culinary Institute of America Graystone campus in 2017.

Nikki formerly practiced integrative and functional medicine nutrition at Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health at the Siegler Center for Integrative Medicine in Livingston New Jersey and practiced integrative & functional medicine at the Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine center in Jackson, New Jersey. She also served as the Clinical Program Manager for the Kogan Celiac Center located throughout the state of New Jersey. She specialized in these practices working with patients who have autoimmune diseases, food sensitivities and intolerances, and various digestive diseases and disorders. 

Today, Nikki works with clients virtually all across the US and uses personalized nutrition coaching and advanced lab testing to create optimal health. She has worked with nearly one thousand patients throughout her entire career so far. In addition to studying nutrition for over a decade, through school, her dietetic internship and two advanced functional medicine credentialing programs, she has also trained under and worked with leading functional medicine practitioners.

Nikki currently helps clients virtually from all over the country with her coaching programs, courses, and membership program.

grab my *free* Starter Kit:

3 Daily Habits to Improve Leaky Gut & Autoimmunity + Best Foods to Eat + 3 Healing Recipes

Healing leaky gut is the most effective way to improve and reverse autoimmunity!

That's why I'm sharing my Leaky Gut & Autoimmune Starter Kit with 3 daily shifts you can start today to see improvements in your health. You'll also get a list of the top 8 healing foods that support detoxification and leaky gut. Your starter kit also includes 3 easy to follow recipes for an entire day of autoimmune-friendly recipes that promote healing!

It's time to take the stress out of where to start and what to eat to feel your best again!

Sign up to receive instant access to 3 daily shifts that will improve digestion and energy, the top foods to help you build a healthy microbiome, + 3 easy to follow healing recipes!

Download the Leaky Gut & Autoimmune Starter Kit!

I believe every woman can take back their health!

hey there!