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How to Eat Organic on a Budget 

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While it can take a few extra steps to stay committed to eating organic foods on a budget, it is possible! Use these tips and hacks so you can give your body the best while also saving money.

How to Eat Organic on a Budget 

Reading Time: 12 minutes

A common question I get is whether eating organic food is necessary to heal the gut and reverse autoimmunity. One of the main reasons people ask me this is that it can be expensive and hard to eat organic on a budget. 

Eating organic is a simple way to improve your gut health and autoimmunity. However, due to the higher cost of producing organic foods, like meat and produce, it’s often more expensive for the consumer. That said, I’m here to tell you it is possible to eat organic on a budget, and today, you’ll learn how!


According to the USDA, organic foods are produced using methods that “integrate cultural, biological and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used.” 

Foods with an “organic” label must pass the USDA organic standards in the United States, which requires a higher standard of farming practice. 

In other words, due to these higher standards, organic foods are of better quality and contain more nutrients and fewer toxins. Since these foods are more expensive to produce, they are often more costly to purchase. However, I would argue that it’s a worthwhile investment for your gut health and well-being.


Non-organic foods, mainly produce, increase your exposure to toxic pesticides, GMOs, and herbicides. All of these substances (along with others) increase your toxin load. Paying close attention to toxin exposure is especially important when autoimmunity, gut issues, or other chronic diseases are at play. 

This study specifically explains that “…the frequency of occurrence of pesticide residues was found to be four times higher in conventional crops, which also contained significantly higher concentrations of the toxic metal.”

Consuming high amounts of these toxins slows your detoxification system and allows toxins to build up in the body. Toxin overload causes a trickle-down effect that can alter the gut microbiome, ignite autoimmune flare-ups, and make it harder to heal or get an autoimmune condition in remission.

In addition, frequent exposure to these toxins increases your risk of many chronic health conditions, like infertility and metabolic syndrome.

Why eat organic foods


The National Library of Medicine describes GMOs as “genetic modification is a special set of gene technology that alters the genetic machinery of such living organisms…Combining genes from different organisms is known as recombinant DNA technology, and the resulting organism is said to be ‘Genetically modified (GM).’” Yikes! 

GMOs are often found in non-organic foods and are used to help extend shelf life, which might sound like a plus, but not at the cost of your health. GMOs are known to alter and change gut bacteria, worsen inflammation, and increase overall toxic load. 

GMOs are in exceptionally high amounts in the following common foods:

  • Canola
  • Corn
  • Cotton
  • Soy
  • Sugar beets
  • Papaya
  • Zucchini
  • Yellow squash
  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Honey
  • Seafood

While eating organic whenever possible is ideal, it is essential for the foods above. Also, check the EWG’s Dirty Dozen list every year to avoid the highest amount of toxins in produce (more on the Dirty Dozen list below).

benefits of eating organic


We now know that non-organic foods contain high amounts of toxins, GMOs, pesticides, and herbicides. So, at the very least, eating organic will reduce your exposure to toxins. That’s not all, though! 

The list of health benefits from eating organic foods is an impressive one, starting with:

Increased Nutrient Density

Often, organic produce has higher levels of various nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals due to the higher standards organic farmers adhere to in the products and practices they use. 

Decreased Antibiotic Resistance

It is hard to believe, but antibiotics are not uncommon in farming practices worldwide, and according to this study, they are considered a “tenacious public health crisis.” Consuming products subjected to these antibiotics regularly takes a massive toll on our microbiome. Antibiotic use can exacerbate conditions like Hashimoto’s and autoimmunity, my main areas of focus. 

Eating organic foods and produce whenever possible can prevent microbiome changes and decrease antibiotic resistance.  

Supports Animal Welfare

Animals raised on organic farms live much differently from those raised on conventional farms. Organic farm animals have free roaming space, which contributes to better health. They are also less likely to be exposed to chemically treated grass and pastures. 

Organic farm animals also produce healthier foods that are more anti-inflammatory based on their consumption. Animals might be fed organic feed but typically without antibiotics or growth hormones. 

How an animal lives and the food it consumes can have a significant positive impact on your health, too! 

Supports Your Local Farms And Farmers

I’m all about supporting local farmers. They work hard to provide healthy food. In my opinion, local farmers are among the few left who are committed to holistic, healthy practices to provide the best quality food to consumers!  

Organic produce, meat, and other foods contain the highest amounts of nutrients and flavor while exposing you to the least amount of toxins. In other words, organic foods support your health and serve your body best! 


Since organic foods are more costly to grow and produce, it makes sense that they are priced higher for the consumer. However, greater health benefits for your body and your household are a higher return on investment than you could ever imagine! 

While it can take a few extra steps to stay committed to eating organic foods on a budget, it is possible! 

Use these tips and hacks so you can give your body the best while also saving money by eating organic on a budget: 

Eat organic on a budget


Let this be your nudge to start if you aren’t shopping at your local farmer’s market! Produce, dairy, meats, and other foods are typically more affordable than organic foods at the grocery store. 

A great way to find the farmer’s markets in your area is to do a basic Google search for local farmer’s markets in your zip code. 

When you commit to shopping at farmer’s markets, you buy directly from farmers and support your local businesses. Purchasing local food ensures you eat seasonally and reduces the risk of GMO exposure. 

My biggest tip here is to get to know your farmer! Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to inquire about each farmer’s farming practices. Sometimes, local farmers practice organic farming but don’t label it due to high regulation costs. 


Since most farmer’s markets are seasonal, you might find it hard to find locally grown food during off-season months. If you are looking to buy better quality food year-round or can’t find a local farmer’s market, I recommend using this Farm Match tool to find farms nearby. 

To get started, click “find food” and add your zip code to see what farms come up in your area. 

I use Farm Match to get my meats, eggs, raw dairy products, some produce, and even specialty items throughout the year. What I love about Farm Match is that the company is committed to helping consumers find the best quality foods from regenerative farms that meet a high standard of excellence in their farming practices. 

Shopping on Farm Match gives me peace of mind, knowing I am choosing a farm dedicated to my health and well-being. I also love that I can independently look up each farm listed, do further research to see their standards, and ultimately compare prices. 


In a perfect world, everyone would eat organic food all the time. However, we don’t live in an ideal world, which isn’t always possible due to availability and cost. So, a good workaround is to prioritize which foods to buy organic. 

Always opt for organic produce that doesn’t have a skin to remove. For example, you eat the skin of grapes, berries, and peaches so that they would be a higher priority. On the flip side, avocados have thick, removable skin, so they are less of a priority if you had to pick and choose. 

You can also refer to the current year’s EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which includes the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list. 

The Dirty Dozen List includes fruits and veggies with the most residual toxins after washing. The Clean Fifteen List includes produce with the fewest pesticides and GMOs. The EWG’s reports are updated annually, and the list does change. 


There are two online shops I love to explore and price shop to eat organic on a budget. I have saved as much as 40% off organic produce, snacks, and other grocery items I frequently buy on Thrive Market and Misfits Market. 

Thrive Market 

I describe Thrive Market as having all the good quality organic foods you love but at Costco prices (without the items being in bulk). You can find popular brands such as Primal Kitchen condiments, Siete tortillas and chips, Organic Sunbutter, organic Jovial grain-free pasta, organic baby food pouches by Serenity Foods, Skout organic bars, organic Alter Eco chocolate, and so much more!

On average, you save 30% compared to buying the same groceries in a supermarket. 

A Thrive membership is $60 per year, but you will likely make that back (and some) with your savings on each order. So far this year, I have saved over $1,000 on organic groceries from January to July! 

I also love that you get free shipping on all orders over $50. The convenience of free shipping and grocery shopping online has been a massive time-saver for me, too, with a busy schedule. I like to populate my favorite items for our family and save them to make them easier whenever I order. You can seriously find everything on Thrive Market! 

If you haven’t jumped on the Thrive Market bandwagon yet and want to try it out, sign up through my affiliate link here and get a $60 gift with your first order! 

Misfits Market

Misfits Market is another best-kept secret to eat organic on a budget. I remember when one of my friends told me about this many years ago, thinking this was one of the best concepts (shoutout to my gal pal Megan or this one)! 

What they do is SO unique. According to studies, “almost a third of what’s grown in the U.S. never gets harvested because it doesn’t meet the superficial standards of a traditional grocery store.” 

That’s where Misfits market comes in. They take foods that look slightly off or silly (hence the name Misfits) and make them more affordable to consumers instead of letting them go to waste. This is a win-win for the farmers who need support and the consumers who need more affordable organic food!  


It can be a challenge to find restaurants that are committed to high-quality organic ingredients. If you can find these restaurants, they are usually a lot more expensive than other restaurants. 

Even if we don’t cook using completely organic foods, we can all agree that eating at home is healthier and cheaper. I know it’s sometimes more convenient to dine out or buy takeout on busy nights, but often, by doing so, we sacrifice quality foods we could eat if we opted to cook ourselves. 

Eating more at home and from scratch doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a meal at a restaurant, but if we are trying to cut back on our food bill while still eating organic, this is a simple solution. While organic food costs a few extra dollars at the grocery store, it saves more money in the long run than eating out most of the time. 

Eating at home more means I cook meals for my family six days per week. Then, we enjoy going out as a family for breakfast or brunch and having a healthy takeout dinner that day. Eating out one day per week helps me feel like I am getting a break from cooking and cleaning dishes one day per week while getting to enjoy a meal. This balance and small change is better for both your wallet and your gut!


Shopping with the seasons means buying the foods and produce that are in season in your region. Eating with seasons will change depending on your location and the current weather season. 

Have you ever noticed the price of berries in the Fall and winter months? Prices constantly change, but on average, they cost significantly more than they do in the Spring and Summer months when they are in season. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are often the most affordable because they are available in abundance, and when bought locally, they don’t have to travel far to reach the consumer. 

It is also worth noting that seasonal produce often contains more nutrients and flavor. If you don’t know where to start, here’s a great resource to find which produce is in season in your area and when! 

seasonal summer produce


Frozen organic produce is often harvested and frozen during peak season. Because of this, it still contains more essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and fiber than imported out-of-season produce. 

When stored in the freezer properly, produce lasts longer and won’t go bad within a few days, as fresh produce more often does. Surprisingly, some produce is more affordable in frozen form and in bulk, which can help you stay on budget! 


Whether you have a green thumb or not, you can easily reap the benefits of having your own homegrown garden! You can even grow your produce from home if you lack the space. You will be off to the races quickly with a small garden box like this! 

Start with good-quality organic soil and seeds and just a few vegetables at a time (maybe cucumbers, basil, or tomatoes). Then, you can practice familiarizing yourself with the planting instructions and how to care for the fruits and vegetables as they grow. It can be easy to reap the benefits of having your own homegrown produce! 

Eventually, you can expand your garden with more space and time. The sky is the limit! Growing up, I remember helping in our family garden for hours. We only ate what we grew in the summer months, and it was so much fun going out to “pick dinner.”

Growing our food from scratch and controlling the ingredients is the best way to eat. I can promise you this: produce that you grow yourself tastes so much better, too! 


When it comes to shelf-stable, frozen, or non-perishable items, load up as much as you can! Buying in bulk will help you accomplish a few things at one time. 

First, the cost is almost always less per unit when you buy a larger product with more servings. Consider products such as organic almonds, oil, flour, seeds, and frozen foods.

Second, this will allow you to prep meals more effectively when food is more readily available. You can make leftovers by cooking and preparing more portions for larger families. 

Finally, when you have excess/bulk food in your home, you have less of a reason to impulse buy take-out because you have plenty of food to cook. Eating out will provide way fewer options to eat organically than food prepared at home. 


Many grocery stores and markets will carry their own organic lines. These products are often priced lower than brand names, yet the quality is comparable based on consumer reports. Always compare prices with multiple brands and shop accordingly!

I always find a lot of organic bulk foods at Costco. When comparing the prices, you save significantly more than when buying similar products at regular grocery stores. To make your membership fee worth it so you save money, it helps to purchase other bulk items there as well.

Here are some of my favorite finds that make it on my monthly Costco grocery list: 

  • Organic frozen fruits (blueberries, cherries, strawberries, mixed fruit, mangos)
  • Organic chicken broth 
  • Simple Mills crackers 
  • Nutzo organic nut butter 
  • Organic bananas
  • Organic frozen broccoli 
  • Organic frozen cauliflower 
  • Siete tortilla chips
  • Organic berries 
  • Organic grapes 
  • Organic carrots 
  • Organic broccoli florets 
  • Organic green beans 
  • Organic Spring mix and spinach 
  • Organic celery 
  • Organic guacamole packs 
  • Organic olive oil in a glass bottle 
  • Organic hemp hearts 
  • Organic sprouted pumpkin seeds 
  • Organic beets 

Note that all Costco stores carry different products, and they change often. However, I still find there’s always a consistent amount of organic products on rotation! 

Check out this reel where I share my favorite Costco items to stock up on.


When food lasts longer, you get more use out of it and minimize waste. Learn how to store organic produce properly to extend its shelf life. For example, fruits and veggies should always be separated and stored individually. Some produce is best stored in the fridge, while others last longer on the counter. 

Here’s an incredible resource developed by the United States Department of Agriculture. The FoodKeeper App allows you to search exactly which food you want to preserve and how long it will last if you put it in the fridge instead of freezing it. 

To get you started, here is a quick tip and reel I created about properly storing bananas.


I hope you can see how it is possible to eat organic on a budget! It’s arguably one of the best ways to invest in your health, especially for those struggling with gut issues or autoimmunity like Hashimoto’s. 

It’s important to remember that toxins are found not only in our food but also in our environment, water, air, household products, and more. Learn how to reduce your overall toxin exposure and safely do a whole-body reset by optimizing daily detoxification. 

My Gut & Autoimmune Reset program is perfect if you haven’t been able to eat organic for a bit due to traveling, holiday gatherings, or limited availability. It includes a step-by-step blueprint for optimizing daily detoxification. 

Comment below if this inspired you to eat more organic foods! Do you have any other tips I missed that help you eat organic on a budget? 

how to eat organic on a budget

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"When it comes to balancing our body, healing the gut, reversing autoimmunity, and achieving optimal health—we are a lot like a car that won’t run right. In order to fix the problem once and for all instead of relying on jumper cables, we must get underneath the hood, run the diagnostics, and replace the battery so that it runs good as new."

-Nikki Yelton, RD

a note from nikki:

If you are ready to stop wasting precious time, get off the never-ending hamster wheel, and finally surrender trying to figure things out on your own—this is your moment. 

You don’t have to settle for just getting by and hoping tomorrow is a better day. We both know you are a woman who deserves better and are made for so. much. more.

are you ready?

Ready to resolve your GI distress, reverse autoimmunity, and live your extraordinary life?

I believe every woman can take back their health!

hey there!