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Seasonal Summer Fruit, Green Banana Hack, Non-Toxic Disinfectant + More 

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I’m pumped to share these resources with you to help boost your nutrients, improve digestion, beat cold season without toxins, and heal your gut.  I’m sharing a seasonal summer fruit guide, green banana hack, non-toxic disinfectant + more!

blueberries seasonal summer fruit

Reading Time: 5 minutes

I love sharing my favorite things with you each month to improve your overall health and heal from the inside out! I’m always on the lookout for new tools, products, and resources to make this journey as convenient as possible.  

I’m sharing a seasonal summer fruit guide, green banana hack, non-toxic disinfectant + more!

Here’s what I’m loving lately…

seasonal summer fruit guide, green banana hack, and more


I have been loving all the delicious fruit in season right now! A few of my seasonal summer fruit favorites are peaches, nectarines, blackberries, raspberries, cantaloupe, and watermelon. I like to purchase a haul of fresh fruit from the local farmer’s market on Sundays and then cut it all up to snack prep for the week ahead! 

Opting for seasonal produce is always the best because there is less time between the soil and your plate, increasing the variety of nutrients your body gets. Eating local is even better because of all the soil-based probiotics that it provides! This can actually prevent you from developing new food sensitivities while you are healing your gut. Getting variety is KEY for a diverse microbiome. 

I highly recommend checking out your local farmer’s market or even heading to your local farm to purchase some delicious fresh fruit, especially while the summer season is still in swing! I’ve been enjoying taking advantage of how sweet and juicy the fruit is this time of year while I can. 

If you’re curious what types of produce are in season this time of year near you, this Seasonal Food Tool is a great way to find out what produce to opt for during each month! 

Summer produce guide


Did you know eating your bananas on the unripe side is really beneficial for your gut?! I shared this quick tip on how to get the most life out of your bananas on my Instagram reels that can help you if your bananas go brown too quickly! 

It’s actually best to eat bananas with a little bit of green remaining because this means there’s prebiotic fibers in there. Prebiotic fiber is a resistant starch that feeds the good bacteria in your gut microbiome! And green bananas are one of the best sources of this. 

Because prebiotic fiber serves as food for your gut bacteria, it helps those good strains thrive! As a result, you’re left with a healthy, strong microbiome. And side note— prebiotics only feed the GOOD strains and leave the harmful ones to starve.

Check out the reel on my Instagram to learn how to keep your bananas green for longer, allowing you to reap the benefits of that resistant starch! 


There is one simple hack to improve digestion that most people are overlooking! 

This tip is to chew your food THOROUGHLY. It may sound obvious, but most people don’t completely chew their food before swallowing. This is so important because it prepares the digestive system and begins to break down food, so that your body can absorb important nutrients! 

Digestion requires a lot of energy from your body and if you’re constantly digesting large particles of food, it can become overworked and inefficient. Chewing helps to reduce stress on the digestive system and allows your gut to work more efficiently and break down your food faster.

You want to not only eat foods that support healthy digestion, but also take active steps to help your digestive system along the way. You may even notice how food tastes better when you chew thoroughly and mindfully enjoy it! 

Check out this blog to learn how MUCH you should be chewing at each bite and the health benefits that will follow.


We’re approaching back to school season, which means germs will start to run rampant once again! To get ahead of sick season without blasting your home with harsh toxic chemicals, I highly recommend Force of Nature cleaner

I love using this disinfectant on everything because it’s powerful but gentle. It also has a clean scent without any added fragrance. 

Force of Nature is an EPA registered disinfectant and sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs. It is free of dyes, fragrances, preservatives, surfactants, bleach, alcohol, quats, hydrogen peroxide or other toxins. 

Force of Nature uses electrolyzed water to convert salt and vinegar into two new effective ingredients: hypochlorous acid & sodium hydroxide. These new ingredients are stronger than botanical cleaners. I actually enjoy making this solution because it feels a bit like a science experiment (also really fun for kids). All you have to do is buy a kit once and then you can buy refill pods to make more solution. 

You can use Force of Nature on literally everything and I love that you don’t have to wipe anything afterwards. I use it to sanitize everything and anything including cookware, baby items, toys and stuffed animals, my car, bathroom, etc. It is even safe on food and I use this to soak and clean my produce to remove harmful bacteria before cooking or preparing meals. The uses are truly endless! 

Use code NIKKI30 for 30% off.

They’re currently running a Back to School promo where you can save a whopping 40% + free shipping on bundles with code BTS40. This sale code will work until August 31st. But you can also use code NIKKI30 for 30% off after the promo expires! 


Collagen is the new fountain of youth ladies! I suggest incorporating a quality collagen powder like Perfect Collagen into your daily routine, especially if you’re over 30. I like to add it to my morning smoothie! 

Collagen is also ESSENTIAL for a healthy gut! It’s actually the most abundant protein in our body that makes up 90% of our connective tissue and bone, and about 70% of our skin. By the time we hit our 20’s, collagen stores naturally decline and we produce less of it each year. By age 40, collagen is depleting faster than we can produce it and by age 60 and beyond, the majority depletes completely. 

Collagen contains glutamine, which is the most important amino acid for preventing inflammation of the gut. Plus, the villi that lines your intestinal wall is actually built of collagen, which means a quality collagen supplement repairs any gaps in that lining. 

Not all collagen is created equal though and like everything, brands matter when we are healing the gut. I recommend Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen because it is lab tested for heavy metals, non-GMO, and comes from pasture-raised grass fed cows. And, hydrolyzed means that the collagen is broken down into peptides, which is easier for your body to absorb!

I love sharing my favorite resources to help you live a wellness-centered life. Prioritizing your health should and can be easy, especially if you have the right tools along the way. 

Seasonal summer fruit and more

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"When it comes to balancing our body, healing the gut, reversing autoimmunity, and achieving optimal health—we are a lot like a car that won’t run right. In order to fix the problem once and for all instead of relying on jumper cables, we must get underneath the hood, run the diagnostics, and replace the battery so that it runs good as new."

-Nikki Yelton, RD

a note from nikki:

If you are ready to stop wasting precious time, get off the never-ending hamster wheel, and finally surrender trying to figure things out on your own—this is your moment. 

You don’t have to settle for just getting by and hoping tomorrow is a better day. We both know you are a woman who deserves better and are made for so. much. more.

are you ready?

Ready to resolve your GI distress, reverse autoimmunity, and live your extraordinary life?

I believe every woman can take back their health!

hey there!