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Nikki’s Faves: Non-Toxic Oral Care, Summer Must-Haves, Quality Dairy, Heartburn Remedies + My 7-Step Process to Heal Leaky Gut 

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It’s gonna be a healthy summer! Check out these resources for non-toxic oral care, my summer must-haves, quality dairy, heartburn remedies + my 7-step process to heal your gut. These are brands + tips you’ll love! 

non toxic oral care

Reading Time: 5 minutes

I’m here to share the tools and products I’ve been loving lately. I love providing you with every resource to make living a gut healthy life a simple and successful journey!

This month I’m sharing five amazing resources and products to help you reduce your toxic load, relieve symptoms like heartburn, and heal your gut. As always, these are things that I personally use, believe in, and love. 

Here’s what I’m loving lately…

summer must-haves


Rise Well is my absolute favorite non-toxic toothpaste brand. Many of the typical toothpaste brands you see in the drugstore are filled with artificial flavors, colors, and chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate and propylene glycol— which add to your toxic load. They also contain fluoride, which is something to avoid with autoimmunity (especially if you have hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism). 

Rise Well uses a super effective mineral called Hydroxyapatite. It’s actually a mineral that makes up 97% of our tooth enamel and 60% of your bones. Plus, it’s been proven to strengthen and protect your teeth without fluoride! It chemically binds to teeth to act as a shield and repairs small holes and depressions on your enamel surface.

With Rise Well, you also don’t have to say goodbye to the minty fresh feeling you get post-brushing. This toothpaste is naturally flavored with wild mint essential oils! 

And if you’d like to try Rise Well toothpaste out for yourself, I have a discount code for you! You’ll receive 10% off with code nikkiyeltonrd10.

non-toxic oral care


Summer is almost officially here, which means we’re breaking out the seasonal summer must-haves like sunscreen and bug spray. While these products are necessary at times, many of the conventional brands are unfortunately loaded with toxins. 

When it comes to sun protection, I recommend covering up during long term sun exposure, but also building up a safe sun tolerance over time! 

A little known fact is that consuming good healthy fats and avoiding polyunsaturated inflammatory oils (known as PUFAS) can actually help prevent sunburn. Plus, clinical studies prove melanoma skin cancer is actually highest in people who live in the places that get the LEAST amount of sun and where it is cold. Pretty crazy and interesting right!?… 

On days while you’ll be out in the sun for long periods of time, I highly recommend Earthley products! Their Sun Shield is a great option for non-toxic sun protection. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids and seed oils that protect against UVA and UVB rays. It IS NOT a sunscreen, but can help you build tolerance over time and reduce harmful sun damage. 

And for nights where the mosquitos just won’t stay away from you, their natural bug repellent— Pest Aside, is a really effective non-toxic option! It is my go to for ticks, mosquitos, and bees and something I keep close in my bag all summer long. 

Use code nikkiyeltonrd at checkout for a 10% discount on your first Earthley purchase! 


I have news that might shock you! Dairy isn’t actually inherently bad for you! 

There are two types of dairy— A1 and A2. In most people with dairy intolerances, A1 is to blame as it’s naturally inflammatory and can wreak havoc on the gut and immune system. 

However, good quality A2 dairy has health benefits and if you’re not truly lactose intolerant, it shouldn’t leave you with any symptoms. It is actually more digestible and richer in vitamins and can be extremely beneficial for gut health!

A great source of A2 dairy I recommend is raw milk! Raw milk contains bioactive components that kill pathogens in the milk itself, prevent pathogen absorption across your gut wall, and strengthen your immune system.

I suggest finding a local farm that sells raw milk straight from local grass-fed and pasture raised cows. This website is a great resource (and something I am loving lately) to find quality raw milk near you! 


Many of you have expressed frustration with relentless heartburn and acid reflux. Surprisingly, heartburn is actually caused by having too LITTLE stomach acid! Without enough acid, your stomach is unable to break down food and it ferments and refluxes back up your esophagus. 

When heartburn starts rearing its ugly head, it’s common to reach for antacids, Tums, or Pepto-Bismol. But the problem is they not only do nothing to heal the source, but also make your heartburn worse in the long run! 

For some natural cures for heartburn and acid reflux that actually work, check out my latest blog— Natural Heartburn Home Remedies + Common Causes & Triggers. These remedies actually take the root cause of heartburn into account!


Think about the different areas that you KNOW are absolutely essential to your health. Heart health, immune health, hormone balance, brain health, even your genes, right? All of these work together in what seem like separate organ systems, but we’ve learned that they are all deeply connected and their origins begin in the gut!

Healing my gut saved my life and I am so passionate about sharing the knowledge I’ve learned over the years to help others heal and live a thriving healthy lifestyle. 

Healing the gut may sound like an overwhelming or complicated process, but it doesn’t have to be! I have perfected a strategic 7-step process to heal the microbiome, which is the root of all health. When you heal the gut, you can reverse autoimmunity once and for all! 

I love simplifying this process and explaining it in a way that resonates. In this video, I break down this process so you can learn how balancing your microbiome and prioritizing gut health can rid you of your symptoms and change your life!

Prioritizing your health is more important now than ever. And it CAN be simple, especially if you have the right tools to help you along! 

As always, I would LOVE for you to join me in finding and sharing helpful health resources!   Leave a comment below  to let me know what you’ve been loving lately. I’d be thrilled to check out some of your favorite tools and share with this incredible community!

summer must-haves

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"When it comes to balancing our body, healing the gut, reversing autoimmunity, and achieving optimal health—we are a lot like a car that won’t run right. In order to fix the problem once and for all instead of relying on jumper cables, we must get underneath the hood, run the diagnostics, and replace the battery so that it runs good as new."

-Nikki Yelton, RD

a note from nikki:

If you are ready to stop wasting precious time, get off the never-ending hamster wheel, and finally surrender trying to figure things out on your own—this is your moment. 

You don’t have to settle for just getting by and hoping tomorrow is a better day. We both know you are a woman who deserves better and are made for so. much. more.

are you ready?

Ready to resolve your GI distress, reverse autoimmunity, and live your extraordinary life?

I believe every woman can take back their health!

hey there!