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Nikki’s Faves: Best Grain Free Bread, Cholesterol Hacks, Seasonal Produce Guide, Sleep Essentials + Game Changer Gut Health Supplement

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I’m sharing my favorite grain free bread, cholesterol hacks, seasonal produce guide, sleep essentials + a game-changer gut supplement!

grain free bread

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I’m sharing my favorite grain free bread, cholesterol hacks, seasonal produce guide, sleep essentials + a game-changer gut supplement!

It’s my mission to make wellness as simple and accessible as possible. That’s why each month I absolutely love sharing my favorite tools that I’ve been using and loving lately. 

This month I’m sharing four amazing resources and products to help you eat the foods you love without any symptoms, keep your cholesterol levels healthy, make the produce aisle a breeze, sleep better, and detox your body. As always, these are things that I personally use, believe in, and love. 

Here’s what I’m loving lately…

grain free bread and more


If you’re looking to heal your gut and reverse autoimmunity, one of the most common foods I suggest you avoid is anything with gluten, even if you don’t have Celiac! Think this means bread is a forbidden delicacy you’re never to have again? Think again! Grain free bread to the rescue!

This gluten & grain free bread by AWG Bakery is the absolute BEST real bread that won’t trigger symptoms! All of the ingredients are organic and are actually healing for the gut with psyllium husk, chia seeds, olive oil, and more! It’s so delicious and you’ll actually feel good about eating it. Plus, take 10% off with code NIKKIYELTONRD at checkout! 

Bread is just too good to give up totally, am I right? That’s why I always say— In this community, we don’t have to say no to the things we love, we’re simply saying yes to healing alternatives! 

grain free bread


If you have high cholesterol, you may not be bound to taking medication for life! Aside from factors outside your control such as age and genetics, high cholesterol is mainly caused by daily habits that don’t serve your health. And if you suffer from high cholesterol that won’t budge, even with a healthy lifestyle, root causes like metabolic dysfunction, h. pylori infection, dysbiosis & leaky gut, or thyroid dysfunction may be to blame. 

In order to truly address your high cholesterol, you need to address the habits that are causing the problem. The goal should be to get you to a place where you no longer need to continue with cholesterol meds. While statins are necessary in certain circumstances, they’re not meant to be a substitute for dietary and lifestyle changes. Cholesterol medication doesn’t necessarily address why your cholesterol is high in the first place!

To learn more about effective lifestyle changes and the best foods to lower cholesterol, check out my latest blog— How To Reduce Cholesterol Without Medication. I’m teaching you all about the daily habits to reduce LDL and sharing the foods that can bind to cholesterol and remove it from the body or block the body from producing it. 


I love enjoying the foods of the season! Seasonal food actually provides more nutrients and probiotics due to there being less time between the soil and the plate. Seasonal food increases the variety of nutrients your body gets, while treating your taste buds to different flavors. It also provides more soil-based probiotics when you are eating local produce that’s in season and prevents developing new food sensitivities while you are healing your gut. 

This is why I’m sharing a little cheat sheet with you to help you choose the freshest seasonal produce at your grocery store or farmer’s market. This resource makes produce shopping a breeze. I also highly recommend getting to know your local farmer! Most farms have a variety of fruits and vegetables that are in season and most of the time practice organic farming too! 


I absolutely love Earthly products for sleep support! They’re a brand committed to natural wellness remedies. I recommend the Sweet Dreams Bundle gift set, which includes their Goodnight Lotion, Sleepytime Tincture, and Calming Essential Oil Roller. All products are free from parabens, fragrance, preservatives, or allergens like soy, corn, dairy, tree nuts, gluten, peanuts, sesame, or fish. They are vegan, non-GMO, and made in the USA!

The Goodnight Lotion contains magnesium chloride to promote restful sleep along with nourishing butters to soothe skin. The Sleepytime Tincture is a combination of  catnip, skullcap, and passionflower. These powerful yet gentle herbs naturally promote restful sleep. And the Calming Essential Oil Roller contains a blend of grapeseed, lavender, orange, cedarwood, and ylang-ylang to support peace and calm. Use code NIKKIYELTONRD for a 10% discount at checkout!


This supplement is a gamechanger for gut health! Coseva’s Advanced Fulvic contains an optimal combo of fulvic acid, humic acid, and unique micronutrients. Fulvic and humic acids are families of naturally-occurring organic acids, natural compounds, and fractions of soil organic matter, produced by useful microbes in soil. In today’s world, our gut microbiomes are being starved of energy and nutrients they need to do their jobs! Fulvic acid helps to replenish this energy as the organic substances are similar to what our microbiomes evolved with in ancient times. 

Advanced Fulvic helps the body detox heavy metals & pesticides, supports healthy immune response, reduces leaky gut, supports a healthy immune response, and improves mental clarity! It actually provides 1000x the antioxidant power of popular superfoods to help the body with cellular-level repair. 

Thank you for being a part of this incredible community. I’m truly honored and grateful you’re here. Remember— your health is worth it!

As always, I would LOVE for you to join me in finding and sharing helpful health resources!   Leave a comment below  to let me know what you’ve been loving lately. I’d be thrilled to check out some of your favorite tools and share with this incredible community! 

grain free bread

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"When it comes to balancing our body, healing the gut, reversing autoimmunity, and achieving optimal health—we are a lot like a car that won’t run right. In order to fix the problem once and for all instead of relying on jumper cables, we must get underneath the hood, run the diagnostics, and replace the battery so that it runs good as new."

-Nikki Yelton, RD

a note from nikki:

If you are ready to stop wasting precious time, get off the never-ending hamster wheel, and finally surrender trying to figure things out on your own—this is your moment. 

You don’t have to settle for just getting by and hoping tomorrow is a better day. We both know you are a woman who deserves better and are made for so. much. more.

are you ready?

Ready to resolve your GI distress, reverse autoimmunity, and live your extraordinary life?

I believe every woman can take back their health!

hey there!