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The Best Plant That Cleans Air Naturally

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This is my top recommended plant that cleans air that you can use throughout your home to reduce your toxic load and improve your health. 

The Best Plant That Cleans Air Naturally

Reading Time: 8 minutes

When it comes to the best plant that cleans air, it’s helpful to understand the importance of clean air. Adding plants to your home is a cost-effective way to support your health by reducing environmental toxins that can linger in the air we breathe daily. When our air is clean, our bodies have a better foundation to heal and thrive! 

In this article, we will discuss why the Peace Lily is my top recommended plant that cleans air and how you can use it throughout your home to reduce your toxic load and improve your health. 


Reducing toxin exposure is one of the most important foundations of healing when working with clients who have leaky guts and autoimmune conditions. 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, we spend more than 90% of our time indoors. This is a major problem as some pollutants are more concentrated indoors than outdoors.

Whenever someone asks me where they can start when trying to improve symptoms, I always suggest reducing their toxic load by filtering the air and water. I would argue that those two areas will have the greatest impact on most gut and autoimmune-related conditions, especially Hashimoto’s! 

Cleaning the air in our environment is particularly beneficial in healing leaky gut and reversing autoimmunity due to the effect airborne pollution has on the body. 


We live in a time when toxins are in our air and all around us. We are exposed to outdoor toxins such as air pollution, motor vehicle exhaust, chemically treated lawns, and pesticides and herbicides in the agriculture around us and the soil. 

Toxins inside our home include volatile organic compounds from furniture, cleaning products, paints, and carpets. Formaldehyde is another toxin often found inside the house and in many fabrics and building materials. Even cooking with a gas range can build up indoors and add to the overall toxin load inside the home. 

We can only avoid these compounds partially (unless we live in a purification bubble), but we can reduce our exposure to them. This is why cleaning our air is an effective strategy to support our health. Removing these toxins is essential for healing!


Reduce inflammation

Airborne toxins, chemicals, and pollutants can trigger an inflammatory response in the body. Improving air quality can reduce inflammation, which is a critical component in healing the gut and reversing autoimmunity. 

Improve Symptoms

Since individuals with chronic health conditions, such as autoimmunity, are more sensitive to environmental triggers, reducing exposure and improving air quality can relieve symptoms such as fatigue, respiratory issues, headaches, and brain fog. 

Support Allergies

Individuals with intestinal permeability (leaky gut) typically experience more allergies to irritants such as dust, mold, and pollen. This often results in immune system overload and can make autoimmune conditions worse. Reducing irritants in the air can improve the immune system so it is less reactive.  

Prevent Autoimmune Progression

Exposure to toxins and air pollution can eventually trigger an autoimmune flare and heightened response, where the immune system attacks the body’s tissues. If the problem persists, this can lead to an increased risk of developing a new autoimmune condition. Therefore, reducing exposure and improving air quality can prevent the progression of autoimmune disorders. 

The Best Plant That Cleans Air Naturally


We’ve all heard of the latest and greatest foods and supplements to help you live your best life (AKA heal your body and improve overall health). But, we might overlook one of the simplest ways to improve our health: house plants! That’s right, many indoor houseplants can improve health in more ways than one.

From removing airborne toxins to reducing stress and providing mental boosts, house plants may offer more than just a pretty thing to look at. 

NASA conducted many studies on plants, including one that examined whether indoor plants could purify air and filter out impurities through a process called phytoremediation. The results proved that houseplants can improve air quality. 

Let’s take a look at some impressive research: 

  • Sick building syndrome decreases on average 25% when interior plants are present.
  • Plants have a calming effect, increasing productivity by as much as 15%.
  • Plants return over 90% of the water we give them back into the atmosphere. 
  • Plants reduce physiological stress by suppressing the autonomic nervous system.
  • Individuals who have plants in their homes are more creative. 
  • Patients with plants in their hospital room recover from illness faster. 
  • Plants in a bedroom improve sleep in those with insomnia. 

While there are many health-promoting plants out there, according to the NASA Clean Air Study, this is the best plant for cleaning the air. There are also some others worth noting if you are serious about creating a peaceful and healthy plant haven inside your home! 


The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is not only the best plant that cleans air and is at the top of the NASA Clean Air Study, but it is also one of the most beautiful additions to a home for a decor upgrade. 

First, let me share a little backstory about my experience of having a peace lily in my home. When my husband and I purchased our first home together, we received many housewarming gifts from friends and family. I can’t remember most of those gifts, but I remember getting the Peace Lily my mom gifted us. After almost six years, this plant is still alive and thriving! 

She mentioned picking this out for us because she knew it was important to me to reduce toxins in the home. Since we were doing a lot of remodeling and painting at the time, this sounded like a great addition to our new house! 

That led me down the road to researching how this particular plant can support air quality. I’ve been recommending it to the clients I work with ever since!

peace lily to clean the air


True to its name, the Peace Lily brings a peaceful and calming presence into a room. The Peace Lily plant is pleasing to the eye, unique in form, and beneficial to your health. Research has shown that the peace lily can remove airborne toxins like ammonia, xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. 

More so, it can help prevent and remove mold in the home. Mold spores can hide just about anywhere and can be one of the silent triggers at the root of many autoimmune disorders. Having a Peace Lily in your home can reduce mold by absorbing the spores into the leaves. 

A Peace Lily purifies the air by releasing oxygen and clean air through photosynthesis and phytoremediation. This process absorbs toxins and neutralizes them to improve the air you breathe. 


If you’re anything like me and have difficulty keeping plants alive, this is the plant for you! It is a very low-maintenance option and can look as good as new for years with proper maintenance. 

To keep the Peace Lily alive and well, it’s best to keep it in a bright area but out of direct sunlight. Peace Lilies can also do well in a shaded area. It requires very little water (about 1 cup per week). 

The Peace Lily will wilt when it is dry and needs more water, making it easy to remember and give it some attention. Be sure not to overwater to prevent the root from rotting. Once in a while, I find it helps to remove any dust and yellow or brown leaves to keep it healthy so it can purify the air properly. 

Remember that if you suffer from plant or pollen allergies, the Peace Lily may increase allergy symptoms in some individuals.


It is ideal to place these plants in the most humid living spaces, like the bathroom or kitchen. Since the Peace Lily helps remove mold, keeping one in the bathroom or an area with more water is a good idea. 

plants that filter the air and reduce toxins


Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is a beautiful plant with long, green leaves. It is best known for converting carbon dioxide to oxygen for easier breathing, but it also removes airborne toxins like trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, and xylene. Believe it or not, the snake plant can also regulate air temperature. 

The Snake Plant may be suitable for plant rookies because it is relatively low-maintenance. It requires minimal water to let the soil dry completely between waterings. In fact, during the Winter season, it may only need one monthly watering. Keep your Snake Plant in bright yet indirect sunlight.

Spider Plant

The Spider Plant effectively removes formaldehyde from your home. Unfortunately, this toxic substance is commonly found in many household products, such as paper towels, toilet paper, glue, paints, wood products, and more. The spider plant also helps reduce carbon monoxide in the air, which can result in better health alone.

Like the Snake Plant, the Spider Plant is easy to care for. Keep this health-promoting plant out of direct sunlight and let the soil fully dry between waterings to reap all the benefits of this effective plant.

Aloe Leaf

Aloe Leaf is an ancient remedy for various health ailments. It removes household toxins from the air, like formaldehyde and benzene. However, not only is Aloe Leaf beneficial for household health, but it is also beneficial for topical use. The Leaf can be applied topically to the skin to heal burns, rashes, cold sores, and more.


Unlike the toxin-removing properties of most of the plants mentioned above, Lavender can improve mental health. Its pleasing fragrance helps calm and soothe the mind, reducing stress and regulating cortisol levels. Lavender is also a beautiful purple color that is pleasing to the eye.

This pretty purple plant requires much natural sunlight and fresh air to thrive, so keeping it on a windowsill may be best. Similar to the Snake and Spider plants, lavender soil needs to dry thoroughly between waterings. 


Many herbs grow and thrive in indoor environments. The best herbs to grow inside include rosemary, basil, mint, and parsley. These fresh, potent, and flavorful herbs are also some of the best herbs for gut health. They are great for cooking and smell as delightful as they taste!


The Peace Lily is one of the best plants to add to your home for natural and affordable air purification. Many other plants, such as a Snake plant, Spider plant, Aloe leaf, Lavender, and herbs, can improve the air and support our health. 

While these house plants help remove airborne toxins, increase available oxygen, and create calm environments, they are also helpful for multiple other reasons. Additional health benefits of plants include:

  • Creating a visually appealing and cozy space
  • Boosting mood and increasing focus
  • Providing a sense of peace and calming

Have you experienced any health improvements from house plants, especially Peace Lilies? I’d love for you to share your experience in the comments below! 

The Best Plant That Cleans Air Naturally

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"When it comes to balancing our body, healing the gut, reversing autoimmunity, and achieving optimal health—we are a lot like a car that won’t run right. In order to fix the problem once and for all instead of relying on jumper cables, we must get underneath the hood, run the diagnostics, and replace the battery so that it runs good as new."

-Nikki Yelton, RD

a note from nikki:

If you are ready to stop wasting precious time, get off the never-ending hamster wheel, and finally surrender trying to figure things out on your own—this is your moment. 

You don’t have to settle for just getting by and hoping tomorrow is a better day. We both know you are a woman who deserves better and are made for so. much. more.

are you ready?

Ready to resolve your GI distress, reverse autoimmunity, and live your extraordinary life?

I believe every woman can take back their health!

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