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Nikki’s Faves:  Healthy Mocha Frappe, Hydration Hacks, My Favorite Oral Health Tool + Best AIP Cereal

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These game-changing recipes and tools are gut-health and autoimmune approved! Check out my favorite healthy mocha mint frappe recipe, AIP cereal, hydrating watermelon refresher + more!

healthy mocha frappe

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I absolutely love sharing my favorite tools, products, and resources that I’ve been using and loving lately. I believe in making a health-focused lifestyle as simple as possible! 

I’m sharing four amazing resources and recipes to help you keep hydrated, eat a gut healthy breakfast (even on the go), healthify a favorite icy coffee drink, and uplevel your oral hygiene routine. As always, these are things that I personally use, believe in, and love. 

Here’s what I’m loving lately…

Healthy Mocha Frappe

This was something that was specifically asked for by this community and I’m so happy to share, I’ve finally perfected a healthy mocha frappe recipe! This frappe is super nourishing for the gut with coconut milk, superfood cacao powder, and fresh mint. 

I’m sure you know the frappuccinos from Starbucks aren’t great for your health. A grande mocha frappuccini is a whopping 51g of sugar and devoid of any nutrients… eek! Not to say that it’s not okay to have a sweet treat once in a while, but for those that are working towards healing the gut and reversing autoimmunity, it’s best to stick to “healthified” sweet treats! 

This recipe specifically calls for my favorite trusted Purity Coffee, which is the only brand of coffee I trust and recommend! 

Staying Hydrated (+ Hydrating Watermelon Mint Refresher)

You know how important it is to drink water… but for some reason, most people are still chronically dehydrated! It’s such a simple way to uplevel your health, but can be tough to remember. There was a time when I’d go all day without taking a sip!

I now prioritize hydration and it makes a HUGE difference. I have way more energy, I’m more focused, I just feel better. When I slack on my water intake, I’m groggy, lethargic, and easily irritated. Hydration is one of the few habits that can change your life pretty instantly!

And while it’s super important to drink enough water, it’s also important to make sure it’s getting properly absorbed! This is why I put together a list of the best hacks to up your hydration game even further by assisting your body with absorption! These hacks are also pretty delicious might I add… (Tip: I highly recommend the Watermelon Mint Refresher recipe I share in this article!) 

Tongue Scraper

As you most likely know, the mouth is an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. While we brush our teeth daily, the tongue is often left neglected. The very back of the tongue provides an extremely hospitable environment for bad bacteria because it’s undisturbed by typical activity in the mouth, tends to be missed by average brushing, and harbors tiny remnants of food, dead tissue cells, and post-nasal drip. This bad bacteria can not only lead to foul smelling breath, but also an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your microbiome. 

A simple and super effective way to remove these bad microbes is to include a tongue scraper in your morning and nighttime routine. A tongue scraper removes more bacteria, plaque, and dead cells than brushing the tongue with a toothbrush due to its unique curved shape. \

I use this tongue scraper each morning and night to make sure I’m thoroughly cleaning my entire mouth. It’s extra wide and made of BPA free stainless steel. It keeps my breath fresh, my mouth squeaky clean, and my gut in good shape!

how to use a tongue scraper
Lovebird Cereal 

Boy, did I miss cereal! It can be really hard to find a good autoimmune & gut friendly cereal, especially one that doesn’t taste like cardboard or dog food (if we’re being honest). For this reason, I pretty much stopped eating it for a long time! 

That is, until I discovered LoveBird. I’m so happy to tell you… they got the formula right! LoveBird cereal has real, clean, AIP-compliant ingredients that ACTUALLY TASTE GOOD. It’s truly a miracle and made with gut health in mind. 

It’s totally grain free with no refined sugars. AND no high potency sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit. Just classic honey or coconut sugar! SO awesome! Plus, it’s not only “not bad for you” but actually has beneficial ingredients like collagen, coconut, and sea salt! 

I was so hyped when I tried it— I had to share with you all! And they’re graciously providing a 10% discount for our community (AKA you!). Just use code nikkiyeltonrd at checkout to save! 

Thank you for being a part of this incredible community. I’m truly honored and grateful you’re here! I love sharing my favorite tools and resources to make healthy living accessible and doable! Your health is worth it!

As always, I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below and let me know what YOU’VE been loving lately!

healthy mocha frappe. hydration hacks, and more

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"When it comes to balancing our body, healing the gut, reversing autoimmunity, and achieving optimal health—we are a lot like a car that won’t run right. In order to fix the problem once and for all instead of relying on jumper cables, we must get underneath the hood, run the diagnostics, and replace the battery so that it runs good as new."

-Nikki Yelton, RD

a note from nikki:

If you are ready to stop wasting precious time, get off the never-ending hamster wheel, and finally surrender trying to figure things out on your own—this is your moment. 

You don’t have to settle for just getting by and hoping tomorrow is a better day. We both know you are a woman who deserves better and are made for so. much. more.

are you ready?

Ready to resolve your GI distress, reverse autoimmunity, and live your extraordinary life?

I believe every woman can take back their health!

hey there!