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How This 4-Step Mold Detox Protocol Can Help Leaky Gut

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This four-step mold detox protocol is a roadmap to help you begin healing from mold illness. I take the same approach with my clients to help them heal their gut, reverse autoimmunity, and improve their symptoms of mold exposure as quickly as possible! 

Reading Time: 17 minutes

Let me start by saying mold exposure can be detrimental to your health. Mold toxicity is often silent; sometimes, symptoms don’t present for years while a person is exposed to high mold levels. 

Unfortunately, mold is not hard to come by these days. I wish I could tell you differently. It can have lasting, adverse effects on the body, especially the gut. Awareness of mold toxicity symptoms and how it can affect your gut microbiome is essential.

Dealing with mold can feel overwhelming. My goal in putting this article together is to give you some simple steps to help you take the next steps if you think mold may be preventing healing. 


Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by mold. They are carcinogenic, mutagenic (capable of altering your DNA), estrogenic (which can trigger hormonal imbalance), and can hinder the normal function of our immune system, kidneys, liver, and nervous system. 

Additionally, mycotoxins can interact with the gut microbiome, leading to damaging consequences. Simply put, mycotoxins are the culprits that cause unwanted mold toxicity symptoms in the body. Given their ability to influence so many bodily systems and functions, it’s no wonder they can leave you feeling subpar (to say the least).  

Types of Mycotoxins: 

  • Ochratoxin A 
  • Trichothecene 
  • Aflatoxin


Mold is a fungus that can negatively affect our health. Mold toxicity, or mold illness, occurs when exposure to mold causes unwanted symptoms in the body. It can be especially tricky to identify as it produces tiny spores that reproduce and spread through the air, making it challenging to treat and kill.

In the case of mold toxicity, it’s vital to understand the source of the mold and how to remove it effectively. Until the source is identified and eliminated, it is almost impossible to heal from mold toxicity, improve leaky gut, and reverse autoimmunity.


Mold toxicity can lead to various symptoms depending on the duration of exposure and mold type. In most cases, the longer the exposure, the more severe the symptoms. 

The most common symptoms include:

Acute: coughing, sneezing, wheezing, throat irritation, nasal congestion, skin rashes, hives, flu-like symptoms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, brain fog, and fatigue.

Chronic: migraines or frequent headaches, anxiety, depression, irritability, chronic cough, sinusitis, frequent upper respiratory infections or worsening of asthma symptoms, chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, food sensitivities, skin rashes, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness or pain, immune system suppression, autoimmune-like symptoms, joint pain and inflammation, hormonal imbalances, insomnia, heart palpitations, and chest pain.

Since mold affects various bodily systems, such as the respiratory, immune, lymphatic, detoxification, and digestive systems, acute or chronic exposure can present itself in many ways.


Mold is relatively easy to find. It is commonly found in water-damaged rooms or buildings. For example, mold can covertly grow inside walls or ceilings if you have an unidentified roof or plumbing leak. 

Mold can occur in any building, such as a house, office, school, or hotel. It can also grow in humid conditions, like a bathroom after a steamy, hot shower.

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Common Types of Mold:

  • Stachybotrys 
  • Chaetomium 
  • Aspergillus 
  • Penicillium 
  • Fusarium 
  • Alternaria 

Mold in Food

Mold and mycotoxins contaminate approximately 25% of the world’s crops. These crop sources include grains, nuts, wine, spices, and coffee. This is often caused by a few different factors, such as:

  • Poor growing and harvesting practices
  • Improper food storage
  • Damp conditions during food transportation and processing

Some food brands (like my favorite coffee, Purity Coffee) test their products for mold with third-party testing. With third-party testing, you can trust that you are consuming a high-quality, pure, and trustworthy product. Verification of third-party testing is crucial in “high mold” foods like the ones mentioned above.

Types Of Mold Worth Noting

There are countless types of mold, but many are specific to their source. The most common mycotoxins found in water-damaged home structures are trichothecenes and ochratoxin.

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Trichothecenes are highly toxic to humans and animals. They are odorless, colorless, and tasteless, making them hard to identify without laboratory testing. The most common health issues related to trichothecenes include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, and skin irritation.


Ochratoxin, on the other hand, typically affects the body according to the level of exposure. Acute symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, while long-term exposure has been linked to kidney damage, immune system suppression, and an increased risk of kidney cancer.

Common Molds Found In Food 


Aflatoxin is known for being highly toxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals, with types B1, B2, G1, and G2 being the most harmful. Acute aflatoxin symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and even death in severe cases. Long-term exposure is associated with an increased risk of liver cancer, immune system suppression, and growth impairment in children.


Fumonisins proliferate and is frequently found in maize and maize-based products, such as an ear of Indian corn. In humans, they can cause esophageal cancer and impact the nervous system. 


The dangerous effects of mold toxicity are clear as day. It can negatively impact your health from head to toe, and its influence on the gut is of special consideration.

Leaky Gut, or Intestinal Permeability, is a common gut condition in which the gut lining allows bacteria and other toxins to leak from the gut into the bloodstream, triggering an inflammatory response in the body. Many factors can contribute to a leaky gut, such as stress, an underlying infection, a processed diet, and mold exposure.

Any exposure to mycotoxins can contribute to Leaky Gut. For example, mycotoxins can disrupt the balance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the gut, allowing pathogenic bacteria to increase and overgrow. As a result, junctions in the gut lining loosen, which can generate reactive oxygen species that damage intestinal cells, further worsening the leaky gut problem. 

Mycotoxin exposure can also decrease immune function in the gut, enhance parasite activity, and interfere with nutrient absorption.

It’s worth noting that those exposed to mycotoxins require higher antioxidants to combat free radical damage in the digestive tract. Those who are already immune compromised (e.g., those with Leaky Gut, autoimmunity, etc.) are more susceptible to mold toxicity symptoms.


This four-step mold detox protocol is a roadmap to help you begin healing from mold illness. I take the same approach with my clients to help them heal their gut, reverse autoimmunity, and improve their symptoms of mold exposure as quickly as possible! 

Being aware of your surroundings and what you put into your body is essential. This is the best way to avoid or limit mold exposure as the body heals. Implementing this 4-step Mold Detox protocol outlined below can help guide you along your health journey.

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Confirming mold is present can often be the most challenging (and costly) step in healing from mold illness and exposure. Some people will notice symptoms of mold exposure before finding the mold source. Other clients I work with may not present with symptoms, which may be evident through lab work. 

Lab Test Clues to Mold Exposure 

An example of labs indicating possible mold exposure is when intestinal permeability isn’t improving after 12-18 months of following a consistent gut healing protocol. I always test at baseline for intestinal permeability, so if we notice there hasn’t been a noticeable improvement, this is an indication that something else could be going on, such as mold exposure, heavy metals, or Lyme disease. 

Another example of some labs that may indicate mold exposure, especially if you have an autoimmune condition such as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, would potentially be elevated C-reactive protein, low thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and elevated thyroglobulin (TG) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies. 

Advanced testing, such as the Vibrant Wellness Mycotoxin Test panels, can also help accurately detect the level of mycotoxin exposure in the body. 

Visible Signs of Mold Exposure 

In other scenarios, people may suspect mold in their home or work environment due to a musty smell or visible mold growth. Mold is sneaky and is frequently found in just about any place in the home. A simple way to see if your home or work environment has mold is to notice if symptoms improve when you are on vacation or taking time off. 

Although not completely accurate, sometimes an inexpensive, at-home mold screening test is a decent way to detect a problem and determine what areas to focus on. 

The mycotoxin agar test kits from Microbalance Health Products are straightforward, only take five days, and provide the next step in discovering your exposure to the mold toxins that might make you sick. In indoor environments, these test kits contain everything you need to collect samples for professional, clinical, mold, and mycotoxin analysis. 

In fact, I like to go around my house and do these kits every six months as a preventative. If I see an area that is a problem, I will take the next steps to get a professional involved to inspect further. A few months ago, I noticed that one of the test samples had significantly more spores than other samples in the home. Doing this preliminary test and experiment helped us figure out what was happening in that room and take the proper action steps to improve the air quality! It turned out we needed the HVAC system cleaned. 


Regardless of the situation, improving symptoms and the integrity of the gut lining will be impossible until the source of mold and mycotoxins is removed from the environment where a person is continuously exposed. 

Removing yourself from a living space and/or remediating correctly is the only way to stop the release of dangerous mycotoxins into the air, which may damage your health and compromise the gut lining. 

Once the possibility of mold is determined, contact a professional air test company in your area that specializes in detecting mold and the source it is coming from. Based on the severity, a plan to remediate the problem should follow. Often, the extent of mold damage is confirmed once remediation begins and a professional can see the type and extent of mold growth. 

Depending on the unique situation, discarding materials, clothing, furniture, and bedding in areas exposed to mold may be necessary since any mycotoxins left on surfaces can continue to multiply and harm the body. 

This can be devastating and costly, so get a professional mold expert to assess your unique circumstances and weigh your options. 

Monitor The Conditions of Your Home

When monitoring your home for mold, focus on the big things first. Take a walk around your home and pay close attention to your ceilings. Pay special attention when looking up to where your bathroom is, as water quickly accumulates inherently and frequently. Look for cracks in paint and watermarks. 

Pay attention to the floor around and underneath your toilet. Sometimes leaks happen underneath your toilet, only to be seen when looking up at the ceiling. If you notice these issues, remediate them immediately.

Regularly inspect exterior structures around the home, like your roof, chimney, basement/crawlspace, and windows. When a leak is present, rain can sneak in. These prominent structures are worth pursuing professional remediation. 


I often see a common mistake that can make symptoms of leaky gut and autoimmunity much worse. When a person jumps right into removing toxins, mold, pathogens, or infections in the body, they can sometimes feel a lot worse, to the point of becoming dangerous. 

People sometimes feel worse when trying to remove gut pathogens, infections, and toxins from their bodies because their drainage and detoxification pathways are sluggish. 

Think of drainage pathways as a prerequisite for moving everything out. When these pathways are blocked or sluggish, toxins can surface and accumulate in the bloodstream throughout the body, making you feel sick, tired, and miserable. If the channels to remove these infections and toxins aren’t open to release them, the person may experience even more health setbacks. 

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The 7 Drainage and Detox Pathways: 

  • Liver 
  • Lymph 
  • Lungs 
  • Kidneys
  • Bowels 
  • Skin
  • Emotions

Opening drainage and detox pathways should happen before any removal protocol, including mold removal. Taking the step to open pathways and improve methylation first ensures the mycotoxins can safely exit the body! 

How To Open Drainage and Detox Pathways? 

At this point, you might ask, “How can I open these drainage and detox pathways?”

There are many ways to do this, and it is ideal to work with a qualified practitioner who can help you with this process. Below is a checklist you can download with examples of methods to open each pathway. 

In addition, I recommend a guided reset and gentle cleanse to support liver detoxification. I designed my Gut & Autoimmune Reset for those ready to take this step! It can be followed safely for anywhere between 7 to 30 days, depending on how long you can commit to the specific diet, lifestyle, and supplement protocols (optional but recommended). 

In the Gut & Autoimmune Reset, I tell you exactly what to do so you can open drainage and detox pathways to improve energy and digestion while preparing your body for the next step in removing and eliminating pathogens, infections, and toxins, such as mold. It is my favorite mini-course that you can repeat over and over again a few times each year. The program even includes a VIP option that takes a deep dive into opening the drainage and detox pathways for best results and to improve leaky gut and autoimmunity. 


Several diet, lifestyle, and even supplement modifications can support your efforts while eliminating mold from your environment and body. 

Dietary Modifications

Molds belong to the fungus family of organisms and live almost anywhere. Molds prefer warm and moist environments, but some will grow in cooler temperatures (e.g., refrigerator, cellar). Some molds produce toxins such as aflatoxin, which is shown to cause cancer and is most commonly found in peanuts and corn.

All individuals should limit their mold exposure. However, those with adverse symptoms may need to avoid foods and other common mold exposures consistently. 

Unknowingly Consuming Mold? 

Mold, like Aspergillus, is often used to make medications, antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes, and food products (soy sauce, miso, bread, etc.). It is unknown how much mold antigen is present in the final product. 

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Below is a list of foods commonly contaminated with mold. Talk to your functional medicine provider for personalized guidance if you have concerns about mold in specific foods or products. 

Foods to avoid when doing a mold detox protocol:
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Chocolate 
  • Sugar
  • Processed meats: Lunch meats, bacon, bologna, salami, hot dogs, sausage. 
  • Fruit: Dried fruits (raisins, dates, figs, etc.) or overripe fruits, such as tomato, fruit juice, lemon, lime, and jelly. 
  • Nuts: peanuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, and coconut.
  • Highly processed foods and preservatives such as citric acid 
  • Artificial sweeteners (examples include soda, Splenda, Sweet n’ Low, stevia, monk fruit)
  • Aged cheese: Blue cheese, Brie, Camembert, Gorgonzola, Roquefort, Stilton
  • Grains: Wheat, barley, rye, corn, sorghum, and rice. 
  • Nightshade veggies: Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants

When shifting your diet, I recommend eating a high-quality anti-inflammatory diet to support the body in healing and reducing inflammation. 

mold detox protocol
Foods To Eat More To Support Mold Removal:
  • Healthy meats: Grass-fed and pasture-raised organic chicken and beef
  • Healthy fats: Animal fats such as pasture-raised butter, beef tallow, and duck fat. Extra virgin olive oil, unrefined organic avocado oil, and extra virgin expeller-pressed coconut oil
  • Fish: Wild-caught salmon, sardines, scallops, oysters
  • Antioxidants: Garlic, turmeric, beetroot powder, acerola cherry powder, ginger, and green tea
  • Fruits: Berries, melons, grapes, pineapple, citrus, papaya, apples, and pears
  • Veggies: Broccoli, cabbage, leafy greens, onions, beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, jicama
Tips to Reduce Exposure to Mold and Mycotoxins in Food: 
  • Shop more frequently so you can purchase smaller amounts. 
  • Discard any grains, nuts, or dried fruits that look discolored, unusual, or moldy. 
  • Ensure food is stored correctly in a dry place and at a moderate temperature. 
  • Do not keep food for extended periods. Check the “best buy” or  “use by” date. 
  • Eat a diverse diet to reduce exposure and increase the variety of nutrients. • Keep bread in the freezer. 
  • Eat or freeze leftovers as soon as possible. 

Lifestyle Modifications While On a Mold Detox Protocol 

We can’t skip the foundations of a healthy lifestyle when recovering from mold illness. Here are some recommendations that can further support your recovery: 

  • Get adequate sleep (consider my sleep reset tips if you need help in this area) 
  • Hydrate your body well 
  • Work on reducing stress daily and support the nervous system 
  • Support emotional well-being and pursue your purpose in life
  • Move your body gently (walking is the best movement while on a mold detox protocol) 
  • Balance blood sugar and eat balanced healthy meals 
Advanced lifestyle modifications: 
  • Red light therapy
  • Infrared sauna therapy 
  • Diffusing essential oils such as Frankincense and black cumin oil
  • Ozone therapy 
  • Hyperbaric oxygen chamber
  • Castor oil packs
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Supplement Modifications

Supplementing modifications should be personalized and recommended under the care and guidance of a qualified functional medicine practitioner. For best results, it might be essential to work on simultaneously removing other infections, parasites, pathogens, toxins in the body, and mold. 

Many of the supplements listed below aren’t only specific to mold removal but can also support the gut, act as a mold binder, support methylation, optimize liver detoxification, improve mitochondria, and remove mycotoxins. 

For example, glutathione binds to toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful substances like mold, facilitating their removal from the body through urine or bile. Particular genetics and SNPs can block detoxification pathways in those with gut and autoimmune issues. Adequate glutathione levels help to open up and support drainage of the detoxification pathways.

Top Supplements commonly used for mold detox:
  • Scutelleria 
  • Glutathione
  • Black Cumin Oil 
  • N-Aceetyl Cystine 
  • Food-based vitamin C (such as camu camu) 
  • Golden Thread
  • Takesumi 
  • Sarsaparilla 
  • Melia 
  • Olive leaf 
  • Reishi 
  • Zeolite 
  • Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Molybdenum


Mold is somewhat easy to remove once the source is confirmed; however, mycotoxins are very difficult because the spores can live on anything and multiply. The first step is to remove the continuous mold growth and exposure before eliminating the mycotoxins and cleaning the air. 

Cleaning the air and decreasing mycotoxins can take some time, but they should be followed consistently moving forward as both a treatment and preventative measure to recover from mold illness. 

Invest In an Air Purifier

I am a big advocate of purifying the air when working to eliminate mold in the home. The Air Doctor air purifier is one of the best on the market. It has an air quality sensor that evaluates the air in the room and automatically adjusts to the correct filtration level. It captures particles as small as 0.003 microns in size, which is 100x smaller than the HEPA standard. 

The mission of Air Doctor is “to inspire a thriving life for all through pure, healthy air technology proven by science.” How incredible is that?!

Air Doctor has independently tested all its products and has proven that they capture 99.99% of ultra-fine contaminants such as smoke, bacteria, viruses, pet dander, pollen, and mold. 

When air quality is improved, you will surely see results in your health. I accidentally did an experiment where I did the EC3 Mold Screening Test in a room where more spores than others were detected previously. During the retest, I had the air doctor running, and I forgot to turn it off 8 hours before taking the sample to achieve accurate results. We were still working on that area to see if it was an issue, and in the results, absolutely no spores were in the agar testing plates after five days. The air doctor is incredibly powerful! 

Important Note: The air doctor can be massively helpful to your health regarding mold, but it won’t mitigate or replace remediation if there is a severe mold issue. 

Clean Your Drains Often

Yup, this one is random but essential! Add “clean drains” to your calendar every three months or at the change of each season so you don’t forget. Chemicals, toxins, and mold live in drains, and you can breathe them in daily. After we did some mold investigation in our home, we realized the source of our mold was coming from our drains. 

If you want to avoid chemicals such as Draino to put into drains, I highly recommend the EC3 Enzyme Cleaner Concentrate. It is super powerful without the harsh chemicals. 

Invest in Water Damage Detectors and Humidity Meters

Another vital part is finding a water source or leak before it floods the home and causes mold. I recommend these water leak detectors, which you can put around parts of your home that may leak (such as under the sink, in a basement, attic, or around toilets). 

Another great way to limit mold growth after remediation is to monitor humidity levels throughout the home. Since mold thrives under damp and humid conditions, a humidity meter can ensure that the temperature and humidity in your home are ideal for mold prevention. 

The ideal temperature for the home is below 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and optimal humidity is between 30% and 50%. To improve humidity in the home, you can increase ventilation, invest in a humidifier, insulate the house, add plants inside, monitor plumbing and keep up with maintenance, and add moisture-absorbing packets to your closets, bathrooms, and garage spaces. 

Clean And Fog Your Home With Mold Solutions

Cleaning your environment is the most essential phase in step 4. To reduce the mycotoxins after remediation and ensure your air stays clean and mycotoxin-free, I suggest using natural products proven to reduce mold spores and mycotoxins so you can see an improvement in your health. As you are on a journey to detox mold, this is an essential part of the process since even a tiny amount of mycotoxins that wouldn’t cause issues for most individuals can make you feel sick. 

Here are some of the best solutions to clean and fog your home to reduce or eliminate mycotoxins: 
Microbalance Health Products

This brand is doctor-created and research-based. It offers some of the best surface cleaners, candles that reduce mold spores and clean air, drain enzyme cleaners, foggers, and laundry concentrate. In addition, they also have products to take to support your body in the mold removal process and for symptom relief. 

I have been using these Microbalance Health products for years as a preventative, and I know they support my and my family’s health in incredible ways! 

Superstratum Solutions

Superstratum is the king and gold standard of all mold products! If you are undergoing a mold detox protocol, these products must be part of your routine! Scientists create superstratum using the most advanced technology to remove mold spores and mycotoxins and even safeguard your home for many years after treatment. 

Unfortunately, even the best mold remediation can leave behind mold spores. I love Superstratum products for this reason. Not only has Superstratum been proven to destroy mycotoxins by a third-party lab, but the chemistry they use is biodegradable and leaves behind zero toxic chemicals!

The Superstratum products are all crafted with specially manufactured Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) to powerfully break down mycotoxins, leaving nothing in your home but harmless salt. Products available include an everyday cleaner solution, building cleaner, deodor bombs, and an endurance cleaner (to prevent mold for more than five years). I love that you can fog the building cleaner to avoid any buildup of mycotoxins after remediation. 

The endurance coating is my favorite product of theirs because you can apply it to basements, air filters, duct work, wood framing, carpets, bathrooms, and even outdoor areas to prevent mold. The endurance coating is helpful if you are planning to build a home since many materials nowadays in a new home build can omit toxins and harbor mold growth over time. 

This article is an excellent resource for more information about how the Superstratum products work and the white paper supporting their effectiveness. 


Functional medicine lab tests help clients and their practitioners identify and address imbalances within the body, especially when identifying if mold is the trigger. 

Functional medicine takes a bio-individual, root-cause approach to healthcare that considers various factors, such as diet, lifestyle, genetics, hormones, gut infections or imbalances, food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, gut infections, environmental toxins, mold exposure, and more. 

Lab tests can assess hormonal balance, gut health, nutrient levels, methylation, mineral status, adrenal function, and more. Testing opens the door for so much freedom, as it helps your practitioner curate an individualized application to heal root causes. 

Often, supporting the gut microbiome before, during, and after a mold detox protocol is essential. If you’d like more information about how I help my clients heal Leaky Gut and reverse autoimmunity, you can check out my Microbiome Makeover program, a completely personalized roadmap to getting your life back! 

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Exposure to any amount of mold and mycotoxins can quickly lead to problematic symptoms, especially in those with leaky gut and autoimmunity. Mold can even trigger Leaky Gut and autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s. 

It’s essential to be aware of your surroundings and what you put into your body. This is the best way to avoid or limit mold exposure. Implementing a 4-Step Mold Detox protocol outlined in this article can help support you along your health journey! 

While we can’t prevent mold altogether, we can work to support a healthy, robust gut microbiome, which is critical to fighting off its effects if/when it occurs.

If you feel, even right now, that something in your body isn’t adding up, trust that small, still voice. I am here to partner with you on the journey, help you identify triggers inhibiting your healing, and work closely with you to heal root causes through a healthy gut and mind. 

Freedom is available to you today. You don’t always have to feel this way, my friend! Get in touch if you need help!

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-Nikki Yelton, RD

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You don’t have to settle for just getting by and hoping tomorrow is a better day. We both know you are a woman who deserves better and are made for so. much. more.

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