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Low Vitamin D Levels on a Blood Test

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In this article, I’m discussing the optimal vitamin D levels you should be aiming for, how to identify the common vitamin D deficiency symptoms, and the best vitamin D rich foods that can improve your vitamin D levels naturally.

Blood test for vitamin D

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Have you ever been told you have low levels of vitamin D on a blood test? Chances are you probably have at some point in your life. Whether you know what vitamin D is good for or not, it’s likely that you’ve heard a few about this vitamin as it relates to your health. Today I’m diving into why we need to improve our vitamin D levels and how to do it!

I prefer to refer to vitamin D as the sunshine vitamin because, as you may have guessed, the sun provides us with ample amounts of vitamin D! Plus, there is nothing quite like soaking up sun rays for optimal energy and function. With that being said, vitamin D is often difficult to absorb, even when you spend hours outside.

reasons for vitamin deficiencies

Vitamin D is actually the number one vitamin deficiency I see in my clients who are struggling with GI disorders and/or autoimmune conditions. Due to difficult absorption, high stress levels, lack of sunlight, and highly processed diets, vitamin D deficiency is a global issue for both adults and children. As of April 2020, a staggering one billion people, worldwide, are deficient. This nutrient deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases, like autoimmunity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and more.

Common causes of vitamin deficiency, include:

  • Certain medications, like laxatives, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and steroids
  • Obesity
  • Autoimmunity, like Celiac or Crohn’s disease
  • Liver or kidney disease
  • High stress
  • Diet high in sugar and processed foods
  • Poor gut health

There are many factors that play a role in vitamin D absorption such as stress, diet, and medication use. Having poor gut health and intestinal permeability or “leaky gut” though, is the number ONE contributor that I see relating to low levels of vitamin D on a blood test due to malabsorption. When the gut lining is compromised due to GI conditions, vitamins and minerals are less likely to get into our cells and distribute to the places in our body that require these nutrients. It’s no wonder vitamin D deficiency is such a prevailing concern in today’s world! 


Frequent symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency, includes:

  • Bone weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Low immunity 
  • Mood changes
  • Bone pain

If you struggle with autoimmunity or gut health issues specifically, I recommend asking your healthcare practitioner to check your vitamin D levels. Proper vitamin D stores are key to healing your body and promoting health from the inside-out!


In the Western medical world, it is usually recommended to achieve vitamin D levels of 40-50ng/mL. However, while that might be enough vitamin D to survive, it’s not enough to thrive. I prefer to see my clients levels around 60-70ng/mL. Even though most people average way below this number, it is possible to accomplish with strategic dietary, lifestyle, and supplement changes! This is why I recommend asking your healthcare practitioner to monitor your levels of vitamin D on a blood test often if you struggle with an autoimmune condition or gut health issues specifically. 


Despite being so commonly deficient, vitamin D serves a significant purpose in our bodies. In fact, proper vitamin D stores are essential for optimal health, in more ways than one.

Vitamin D is responsible for:

  • Growing and maintaining healthy bones
  • Regulating optimal calcium absorption
  • Supporting proper immune function
  • Producing and balancing hormones
  • Regulating blood sugar levels

As you can clearly see, achieving proper vitamin D levels are non-negotiable! This is why I recommend asking your healthcare practitioner to test your levels of vitamin D on a blood test a few times each year if you struggle with an autoimmune condition or gut health issues specifically. 


vitamin D rich foods

So, how can you ensure your vitamin D levels are optimal? First, test, don’t guess so you know where you are at. Too much of a good thing is not always good! Since the sunshine vitamin is essential for optimal health, it’s important to discuss the best ways to naturally support your body’s levels. Below are my favorite ways to encourage healthy vitamin D levels: 

  • Vitamin D-Rich Foods: Consuming vitamin-D rich foods, throughout the whole year, is the first place to start. Vitamin D-rich foods include fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel. Other food sources are eggs, mushrooms, and dark, leafy greens. You get bonus points for consuming dark, leafy greens as they contain MK7 (menaquinone), which helps your body absorb vitamin D. 
  • Healthy Fats: Increase your healthy fat intake to boost the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K. Include healthy fats in every meal. Take your pick from: fatty fish, dark meat chicken, ghee, olive oil, avocado oil, avocados, raw nuts and seeds, coconut, and more. Oleic acid, specifically, is effective in skin repair, while omega-3’s reduce inflammation.
  • Morning Sunlight: To optimize your vitamin D exposure, aim to get outside for a minimum of 30 minutes in the morning. Exposing your eyes to sunlight first thing in the morning can help regulate your circadian rhythm and ensure quality sleep! In addition to morning sun, make it a goal to eat lunch outside to soak up some extra sun rays! 
What parts of the body you should add sunblock for maximum sun protection

Safety always comes first, so when in the sun, make sure to protect yourself. Use sunscreen on the sensitive areas of your body, such as your chest, face and ears. Look for non-toxic sunscreen options, such as Badgar, Earth Mama, and Earthly.

I suggest checking out the this resource for the least toxic sunscreen options.

If you need to limit your sun exposure, talk to your healthcare practitioner about vitamin D supplementation and what the right level is for you based on your levels of vitamin D on a blood test.


Sometimes, it is difficult to increase vitamin D levels from the sun alone. This is especially true for those experiencing leaky gut and or autoimmunity. This might be an implication for utilizing extra support through supplementation. When it comes to supplementing with vitamin D, it is important that it’s paired with K2 and a healthy fat (such as olive oil) to increase the absorption. While most individuals do best taking 5,000IU of vitamin D to increase levels, you should always work with a practitioner for the exact supplement and dosage based on your unique chemistry!

Another option for those with poor vitamin D status is to consider a drip IV of nutrients such as vitamin D to enhance absorption. In addition to a healthy diet, it could be quite beneficial to take some supplements or a vitamin drip (such as this one in NYC if you are local). These approaches provide your body with the essential vitamins it needs for optimal functioning. Whether you opt for convenient supplements or the nourishing infusion of a vitamin drip, you can ensure your body receives all the necessary nutrients to thrive.


Without a doubt, vitamin D is an essential nutrient. It promotes optimal cardiovascular, skin and bone health, while also boosting mood, supporting immune function, and so much more.

Remember to TEST (don’t guess), monitor, and consider proper supplementation if you’re still low after sunlight and dietary modifications. And of course, work with someone qualified to help you get to the root cause of WHY vitamin D is so low to begin with, especially if you have a gut and/or autoimmune condition.

When you have a healthy gut, you absorb your nutrients more efficiently. It really is that simple! If you are looking for a functional practitioner who can help you heal your gut so that you can improve key levels in your body, and help you reverse autoimmunity, check out how my advanced coaching program can help you with the proper functional medicine testing and coaching!

What tip will you try this week to naturally improve your vitamin D levels? I would love to know in the comments below!

Vitamin D supplement

Tags: vitamin d in food, vitamin d deficiency symptoms, vitamin d sources, vitamin d is good for, vitamin d  levels, vitamin d rich foods, why vitamin d is important

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"When it comes to balancing our body, healing the gut, reversing autoimmunity, and achieving optimal health—we are a lot like a car that won’t run right. In order to fix the problem once and for all instead of relying on jumper cables, we must get underneath the hood, run the diagnostics, and replace the battery so that it runs good as new."

-Nikki Yelton, RD

a note from nikki:

If you are ready to stop wasting precious time, get off the never-ending hamster wheel, and finally surrender trying to figure things out on your own—this is your moment. 

You don’t have to settle for just getting by and hoping tomorrow is a better day. We both know you are a woman who deserves better and are made for so. much. more.

are you ready?

Ready to resolve your GI distress, reverse autoimmunity, and live your extraordinary life?

I believe every woman can take back their health!

hey there!